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Production Of Biodiesel From Spent Bleaching Clay

HEC Pakistan Based Project

Biodiesel, an “alternative” diesel fuel derived from vegetable oils, animal fats or used fry-ing oils, largely consists of the mono-alkyl esters of the fatty acids comprising these feedstocks. This research work covers the factors influencing in biodiesel oxidative stability and their interaction by using Rancimat stability method.


Synthesis Of Biodiesel Via Pre-Blending Of Feedstocks: An Optimization By The Polynomial Curve Fitting Method

Nov 20, 2018 Taylor & Francis

Use of abundant indigenous energy crops for biofuel production contributes to enhance the economy and reduce the dependence on fossil fuels. This article aims to shed light on two energy crops available in Pakistan; castor (Ricinus communis L.) and cottonseed (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Although castor has excellent oil content (54%), its high viscosity is not acceptable. Therefore, pre-blending with cottonseed oil was proposed.

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Biomass Derived Carbons For Water Purification and Catalyst for Biodiesel

International Workshop Organized by NCEAC University Of Sindh Jamshoro


Biowaste Derived Carbons for Waste-to-Bioenergy Conversion and Water Purification

International symposium and Workshop Organized by NCEAC University Of Sindh Jamshoro


Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship

International Workshop Organized by National Center Of Excellence In Analytical Chemistry University Of Sindh Jamshoro